Customer and Supplier Award

Entries can be for one or all of the following sub-categories.

  • Outstanding Achievement in Customer Satisfaction
    Highlights the organization/team/individual who successfully implemented one or more initiatives that has demonstrably increased customer satisfaction.

    Success factors:
    • Demonstrated excellence in placing customers at the heart of their business and delivering exceptional service throughout the customer journey.
    • Provided clear and well-defined customer service practices demonstrating positive customer contact and effective issue resolution.
    • Employs effective tools to measure customer satisfaction to validate exceptional customer satisfaction.
  • Innovative Supplier of the Year
    Showcases one or more of the organization’s initiatives that have demonstrated exemplary methods used to introduce new goods and/or services to its customers, resulting in increased sales or other revenue of the business.

    Success factors:
    • Demonstrated robust systems that leverage innovation within its supply base resulting in increased capacity, performance, and/or profits. Organization must present a measurable and defined outcome.
    • Adopts method(s) of sustainable innovation that clearly present the organization’s processes and technologies to improve its product line, examples such as:
      • Technological advancement
      • New business models
      • Upgrades on product line(s)
  • Excellence in Supplier Collaboration
    Recognizes the supplier that has exhibited an extensive portfolio to address and meet retailer and customer needs. The organization provided evidence of innovative engagement, with long-term commitment to the sustainability of the business through collaboration.

    Success factors:
    • Demonstrated exceptional and positive working dynamics between the retailer and supplier, with a clear customer satisfaction goals
    • Implemented defined process(es) in supplier management such as maintaining performance scorecards or implementing a detailed systems of supplier interaction.
    • Retained a well-built collaboration portfolio of key suppliers that were selectively integrated into the business key processes and sustainability goals.

Awards Categories